
Forcing Internet Explorer Language Settings to a certain value

When working on multilingual platforms with browser-based applications, language settings are subject to change frequently..

So we had a problem about moss search and we had to set the language settings of our users to include both english & turkish (as seen in the screen below)

In our environment, the default value was only turkish

 it is very hard to apply this to all users; because there is NO policy setting for this configuration.
this is a nightmare, especially if you have >100 users
moreover, after you set the value the user can reset the IE settings 

so I explored a little bit and found out that this setting has a registry value.
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International"

create a file called langsetting.reg file containing this:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International]

and put it in a bat file which will run during win logon by 
regedit/s  langsetting.reg
and you are done :)


Database Creation Assistant Fails during 2% complete with ora-12560

I was installing Oracle 10g to a Windows 2003 server yesterday and the installation went okay. But at the confuguration phase, dbca failed to create a general purpose database at %2 complete with  tns errors: ora-12560 and ora-12514.

So I cancelled the installation and head through metalink. After a few searches I first tried to remove / comment

row from sqlnet.ora file. (Note 164930.1)Then tried the dbca again; but no luck.

Then I found another note(Note 747243.1) stating that some policies could prevent the creation of oradba user and ora_dba group on windows. So the note suggested that I should manually create them and give it a try again. That was exciting  because I found out that there was a ORA_DBA group but no ORADBA user. So I immediately created a ORADBA user and add it to administrators group on the server. But unfortunately, this did not change anything, the error was still showing up at the exact same stage..

I hit google search and find that forum post, thankfully..

Finally, changing the Regional settings of the server solved the problem.  To change it, navigate to control panel, regional settings and change the language to US English in the regional options tab.. 


Enable Archive Logging in Oracle 10g

Unlike 9i, log_archive_start does not have a meaning in oracle 10g. You should do the following to enable the archive logs:

Open sql*plus

shutdown immediate

startup mount

alter database archivelog

alter database open

It can be seen on the screen below, sorry that its local language, Turkish but you can still  follow it, though

User profile synchronization problem

This morning I was told that some people's profiles were showing old data in SharePoint.
Ooops! What does that mean: Profiles are not synchronized with Active Directory.

 I immediately checked the Central Administration > Operations > Timer Job Definitions for  profile sync, and saw that the jobs were hourly (by default) and they were all succeeding...

So I did a full import and it worked, the profiles started to show the new-correct data. 
I scheduled the full import to be run every evening.

I know this is not a complete solution but a workaround, but sometimes you have to solve it quickly :)


how to create a new temporary tablespace

First create a new temp tablespace. Yes, unlike the undo tablaspace, you can have more than one temp tablespace -but only one of them could be database default temporary tablespace at once.

now change the database default tablespace 

alter database default temporary tablespace TEMP4;
get rid of the  the old one!
drop tablespace TEMP1 including contents 

unable to determine local host | Enterprise manager error 10g on windows

After a succesful 10g installation and a dbca assisted db creation, installer complains about "enterprise manager configuration failed ..." and you can retry manually by running emca.

and after you click ok the explorer opens up in a window  containing something like that in address bar:


When I explore emconfig.log I saw:

Creating directories...
Setting console properties ...
Setting log and trace files locations for Console ...
Setting log and trace files locations for Agent ...
Service "OracleDBConsoleIZMTPRS" create SUCCESS
Service "OracleDBConsoleIZMTPRS" delete SUCCESS

Mar 29, 2010 8:56:15 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.PlatformInterface executeCommand
CONFIG: '\regedit.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Creating registry entries failed. Aborting...

 first I checked to see if the windows account which I was using is a local administrator. the account was in a group and the group was under the administrators group. I also added the account directly.

after that I executed:  emca -config dbcontrol db

 worked like a charm!