
How to disable mysite functionality in SharePoint

My site functionality could be enabled / disabled through Shared Services Providers (SSP)

Navigate to  Central administration   select your Shared Services Provider 

Navigate to User Profiles and My Sites   > Personalization services permissions 

 Unselect  "create personal site" (Like shown below)
 use personal features allows users to use "My Links"  functionality, you can also disable it if you desire.

Limiting file upload size in SharePoint

You can limit the size of the files that users could upload to document libraries etc. in a certain web application.

Go to Central application website: http://servername:portname

Navigate to Application Management

Select Web Application General Settings

Click the pictures for large view

Then select the web application which you want to change the upload size; enter the size you desire then click ok.


SQL 2005 mirroring for Sharepoint 2007- a note

Sharepoint Central administration database - Sharepoint_admin content and Sharepoint configuraton db Sharepoint_config  can only be mirrorred using Synchronous mirroring.
Asynchronous does not work

How to setup Database mail to send Backup completion notifications in sql server 2005

I did all the steps here ; the test mail worked fine but een after a succesful execution i did not receive any emails..

after some struggling,  i found out that you also have to enable mail profiles through SQL Server Agent properties &   restart agent one more time

Moss Service Pack 2 includes Infrastructure Update

Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server Service Pack 2 includes the infrastructure update.

Here is the proof:

“ SP2 includes Service Pack 1 and all the major updates since the release of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007.”

So if you are on SP1 and planning for an update, you dont have to apply infrastructure update prior to SP2. it already has it!

SP2 installation steps:

Installation Steps Service Pack 2 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 ink Service Pack 2 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Language Pack (if applicable) LinkService Pack 2 for Office SharePoint Server 2007 Link Service Pack 2 for Office SharePoint Server 2007 Language Pack (if applicable) Link good luck!

Migrating SharePoint from 32-bit to 64-bit/ SQL 2005 to SQL 2008

Last week i had the chance to try migrating SharePoint to 64-bit environment running on SQL 2008.

I made a clean installation on a single machine,SQL Server 2008 + SharePoint 2007 and then applied a "stsadm -o restore..." command to restore my SharePoint which is running on 32 bit  environment.

Worked fine! but i did not try to migrate the custom applications yet. they all have their own content db; it will be another challenge.

How to restore a web application in Sharepoint 2007 by using SQL backup

In Sharepoint 2007, Every web application has its own database.

As my experiences are mostly on oracle, I am not really an expert in SQL 2005, but i just tried this scenario and it worked. And I think its quite a handy way to move your sharepoint web applications ( and top level sites of course!) And also by taking regular backup of your each web applications content database; you'll have a backup/recovery solution too..
Lets skip to the steps.

note that i'll call the source sharepoint installation first; and target installation as second.

The first thing you should do is, to go to Central Administration of the web app. you want to move to the second Sharepoint instance. Navigate to application management and find "content databases". Look for the name of the content database / web application you want to move. Go to sql server management studio, connect your (first)Sharepoint Database and take a backup of that content database. (by right clicking >tasks>backup)

now pick up the backup files, download them to the second Sharepoint's database server. Connect the database with sql management studio, and restore the database from backup. (right click databases, restore)

now , go to the second sharepoint's central admin. page.
Navigate Application management and Create web application.
the port name, the application name really does not matter. Just enter the name of the database you've just restored.
(Note that I installed both of the two sharepoint instances using the same windows account. So i used this account to connect both db's.)

create it, and there you go! it works :)
i think this is easier , faster and less painful than stsadm restore or import.

sharepoint 2007 installation error about asp net v2.0

if you receive this error, After clicking the setup file to  install Sharepoint 2007

Setup is unable to proceed due to the following error(s):
This product requires ASP.NET v2.0 to be set to 'Allow' in the list of Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Server Extensions. If it is not available in the list, reinstall ASP.Net v2.0.
Correct the issue(s) listed above and re-run setup.

then run , aspnet_regiis -i under c:\windows\Microsoft .net\Framework\v2  

Cold backup'tan veritabanı taşımak

Herhangi bir sebepten dolayı elinizdeki oracle 9 veritabanını farklı bir makineye taşımanız gerekiyorsa, benim yaptıgımı yapabilrisiniz.

Ben once ihtiyacım olan dosyaların cold backup ını alıp sonra yeni makineye kurdugum taze kurulumun üzerine yeni bir init.ora dosyası oluşturarak bu dosyaları indirdim.

Nasıl yapmışım adım adım bakalım:

Öncelikle taşımak istediginiz makinenin işletim sistemi aynı olmalı. Ben solaris 5.8 den 5.9 a taşıdım. Solaris ten windows a taşımak bu yöntemle mümkün degildir. (vice versa)

Aslında metalink ten buldugum notların çok faydası oldu tabi!!

Öncelikle taşımak istedigimiz database e source, taşıyacagımıza da target diyelim.

Source u shutdown immediate ile kapatıp cold backup alacagız .
Alacagımız dosyalar : datafile lar, control file lar ve redo loglar. ve init ora dosyası ve kullanılıyosa spfile dosyası!
Eger bu dosyaların yerlerini bilmiyorsanız database i kapatmadan önce:

datafile lar için
select name from v$datafile;

redo loglar için
select * from v$logfile;

control file için
select * from v$controlfile;

sorgularını çalıştırıp yerlerini not edin.

Şimdi, database i kapadıktan sonra gidip yeni makinede düzgün bir kurulumu yapalım.
Kurulum bitince,
önce eski db ye ait controlfile ları ve init.ora dosyasını yerleştirin. (init.ora oracle_home/dbs klasoru altında olur default olarak.) Tabi init.ora yı bu makinedeki pathlere göre düzenlemeyi unutmayın!
oracle_sid ve oracle_home parametrelerini set edip, sqlplus a girin.
database i startup mount diyerek mount edin.
hatasız mount ettikten sonra; datafile ları ve redologları init.ora da belirttiginz yerlere kopyalayın.

Tabi kurdugumuz yeni database in kendi system.dbf dosyalarını falan atıp tamamen coldbackuptaki datafile ları koyuyoruz ona göre!

simdi redoları ve datafile ları kopyaladıgımıza göre, artık mount durumunda duran sqlplus a giderek; datafile ları ve redologları rename edecegiz.mesela:

alter database rename '/u01/oradata/system01.dbf' to '/u02/oradatayeni/system01.dbf'

redo ve data file ların hepsini tek tek böyle rename ediyoruz.
sonra alter database open
ve hatasız açılıyorsa hayırlı ugurlu olsun taşıma işlemini başardınız demektir.

searching metalink for patches

Oracle's Metalink is a very - veryyy useful tool when it comes to errors and warnings and unanswered question. Oracle got a huge and helpful documentation.
But.. if you are searching for a patch or patchset you're in trouble.

this afternoon i was trying to download a patch to upgrade my rdbms to ... and i searched for a patchset for . There came swarm of results. But couldnt find anything about my upgrade issue!! Then i gave a try to search with . Aaaaanddd it was there! at last..

Isnt it silly to make the patchset search based on the new number? i am trying to upgrade the old number dummy!( maybe this is only weird for me because im not a oracle guru, i'm just an inexperienced dba)

How to Enable Oracle 9i archive logs

SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Disabled
Archive destination /sun2int3/app/oracle/product/
Oldest online log sequence 0
Current log sequence 1

shutdown immediate;

SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 320308312 bytes
Fixed Size 730200 bytes
Variable Size 285212672 bytes
Database Buffers 33554432 bytes
Redo Buffers 811008 bytes
Database mounted.

SQL> alter database ARCHIVELOG;

Database altered.

Thougths about Sharepoint backup recovery solutions

  • SQL mirroring is a good solution but provides only database availability, the farm's Web Front End's should be planned seperately.It is possible and very easy to backup the web servers by the help of virtualized environment but if there is no virtual solution available then a load balanced method could be used.

  • The real problem is backing up custom applications that are developed using Sharepoint Object model and working on Sharepoint. since the programmer deploys them and places the dll and other code files under the wfe accordingly, i am really not sure if there is a way other than backing up them manually. My solution here is, 
        • request  an installation/deployment document from the developers for each web part/solution/feature/web application in SharePoint; 
        • test the documents in a test platform, make sure that they are working ; backup all the files/folders that is installed by the developer
        • never, ever allow the developer to make an update to the codes without informing you, obtain any update : test and backup them!
        • if the Sharepoint Wfe's fail, then you should restore from the sharepoint backups and install the custom applications regarding to the documents and files you took backup