
How to delete a Search Service Application in Moss 2010

After I installed Sharepoint 2010, I tried to figure out how certain services work without Search Services Provider. As we already know, there are no SSP's anymore in 2010 architecture.

So I configured  a FAST Search Connector. But It didnt work quite allright so I tried to delete it. No luck! There were no options in Central Administration to delete a Search Service Application after creating it.

After a quick search on the internet I find that you can remove the SSA by using

stsadm -o deleteconfigurationobject  -id *GUID*

command. This command works by using object id(GUID). In order to get the object ID; the GUID of SSA, I just copied it from IE, central administration Search Service Application URL.


How to deal with faulty features

Before upgrading to SharePoint 2010, you should run preupgradechecker and Test:SpContentDatabase..

Preupgrade checker should be run on the 2007 instance and Test:spcontentdatabase should be run on Sharepoint 2010.

After you run the preupgradechecker, it creates an html file containing your farm details. In my case, there were lots of missing features!
The entries were like these:

  • Name = [Unknown], Feature id = [5ac519ce-6bf2-842c-485c-04efe522a2dc], Reference count = [1], Scope = [Web], Status = [Missing]

  • Name = [Unknown], Feature id = [c5e293c8-a4c6-8607-5505-7a2a77a9800e], Reference count = [1], Scope = [Web], Status = [Missing]

  • Name = [Unknown], Feature id = [68f713c6-1fc8-d110-e819-ce7d59518f60], Reference count = [1], Scope = [Web], Status = [Missing]

  • Name = [Unknown], Feature id = [564a2b98-aec8-e5f5-7e94-8096d64fe16c], Reference count = [1], Scope = [Web], Status = [Missing]

  • Name = [Unknown], Feature id = [a28a2e77-9525-4c9c-ad79-e0b6252395e8], Reference count = [1], Scope = [Web], Status = [Missing]

  • While searching on the internet, I found that tool which is very handy to remove problematic features:

    Of course, test it before you try it ;)
    In my case I perform a database attach upgrade so it's easier to test.


    Page viewer web part problem in Sharepoint 2010

    After upgrading SharePoint 2010, the page viewer web parts does not show up. Instead a dialog appears and it tries to download the html file.

    This is because of the security settings in Sharepoint 2010
    To solve this; you have to navigate to Central administration:

    Application Management> Manage Web Applications> select your web aplication & open General Settings

    Change "Browser File Handling" to "Permissive.


    upgrade sp1 content database by adding it with stsadm

    If you have a Sharepoint service pack1 content database which you want to move to SP2 environment all you have to do is to run a stsadm command..

    stsadm -o addcontentdb -url http://new-site-address -databaseserver your_server -databasename

    This will upgrade the SP1 content database to sP2. This is very handy when you want to upgrade a 32-bit SP1 sharepoint 2007 to Sharepoint 2010. First you move it to a sp2 farm by using this command, after upgrade is successful then you detach/attach it again to sql 2008 & sharepoint 2010 backend.